HIMSS25 Europe: Network, connect and grow at Europe's #1 health tech conference.


Digital health research is valuable, but doing it right is challenging. That’s an opportunity HIMSS can help you step into, with all the hard data and custom surveys you need. You’ll also get end-to-end research support, from leading surveys to report creation and syndication.

Trusted by companies of every size

  • Driving 1M+ in lead opportunities for a healthcare organization

    A TechValidate assessment of our work with a healthcare company found that our Market Insights helped them create thought leadership and reach qualified top-of-funnel leads worth millions.

Go deeper than anyone with analysis

  • Dive into complex health niches (like AI)

    You’ll get the industry expertise you need to deliver research on specialized topics like AI, infrastructure, health equity, and cybersecurity.

  • Conduct quantitative and qualitative research

    You’ll get all the hard data and interview findings you need—via surveys or focus groups with your target audience.

  • Create lead-generating research faster

    We’ll cut down your team’s workload with fast delivery of market-ready reports and white papers to scale up your lead generation.

  • Make sure your expertise gets heard

    We’ll syndicate your custom research, white papers, webinars, and articles that show you’re the authority in your health niche.

  • We’re on the frontlines of health AI research

    HIMSS recently partnered with WebMD’s Medscape to survey clinicians, nurses, and executives at medical organizations about how they’re using AI, and why early adoption pays off. You’ll get expertise like this, too.

  • HIMSS has allowed us to solidify connections with key influencers/buyers in the vertical.

    Casey W. King

    Senior Account Executive, Healthcare, Salesforce

  • HIMSS produced high quality co-branded content for us, and conducted market intelligence that supported our own in-house materials.

    Director of Marketing

    Fortune 500 Telecommunications Firm

  • Market intelligence from HIMSS is very important to our overall marketing strategy and execution.

    Sales Professional, Fortune 500 Telecommunications Firm

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